Thursday, March 20, 2008


It's time for another entry finally. Free time for me is at a premium nowadays, but I finally got it out. Right now I'm once again partaking of the hospitality of the Cruz family here in Bacolod. God bless you guys! =D [Update 2008-04-09: Nakiki-sabit sa wifi ng StarBucks sa kanto...]

I've been meaning to write this for a long time, but never got the time to do so until now. I just want to thank the Lord verbally (well actually in writing) for all the blessings that have abounded in the past year. 2007 was a faith-stretching year for me. I can honestly say that never have I been challenged more than in that year. Never have I risked more, lost more, and gained more than in that year. And from the looks of it, even more is yet to come this year. In fact, the bountiful blessings (and even greater challenges) have already started pouring in earnest. I am at the same time filled with both fear and excitement, in varying proportions.

The danger of being at a peak is that you almost know that a valley is almost certainly forthcoming. So with bated breath I sit in wait of the coming fall... That's hardly a Christian outlook though. We're supposed to think about "...whatever is true, whatever is noble... if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...(Phil 4:8)." So while it might be my nature to think of all possible ways my endeavors can possibly fail, dwell on the positive I must. Not merely because it is required of us all, but because I know that there is a grand scheme in all things. That the Lord has orchestrated all events in my life to work out for His glory.

So I hope y'all continue to support me in prayer as you always have, my beloved family and friends. Rest assured that you guys are always in my thoughts and prayers as well. Ok, enough mushyness. Gotta get myself to bed before I pass out here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Time of day

I don't usually do blog quizzes, but this one caught my eye. And I think the results really fit...

Update 2008-03-08: Whoops, forgot to include this snippet from the site (buti pa dito sa Blogger, may indent agad sa toolbar):
Your time of day has a split personality -- sometimes it's sweat-streaked and
loud, and you're on the dance floor, getting your third wind, and shouting
lyrics like you'll never run out of energy. You are the time of night that
carves itself into your memory forever, because you'll never forget how much you
love these people and this moment and this song. It's not always about
unforgettable parties, though. Sometimes your late night (err? early morning)
burst of energy happens when you're home alone. Those are the times when you
say, "I flat out refuse to go to sleep until I finish reading this book, or
typing this page, or reorganizing my entire closet." In either case, you are the
time of night when it feels sort of forbidden to be awake, but you love
accomplishing something special long after everyone else went to bed. And hey --
you can always catch up on sleep tomorrow, right?

Apparently I share the same results as 11% of the takers. Took me a couple of times to get similar results too. The other time I was 11 am or something. Basta, tamad, yun!

Yep, around this unholy time of day I usually find myself wrenching my eyes away from the computer screen/a good book to check the time. After which I mutter to myself "just a few more minutes... just let me finish this chapter... just let me get this function done... just until the next save point..." Hahaha!

One of my fondest wishes is for the discovery of a cure for sleepiness. No wait, they already have that. Rather, the cure for the need to sleep, hehe. If only I can make the day last longer. If only I could move faster. Well, my relentless drive to cram more things into a day will probably lead to my demise someday I'm sure. I know that it's practically contradictory to the Lord's command to Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). It's really a struggle for me to slow down, slack off, sit in silence and just enjoy the moments as they pass. But when I'm forced to relax, like when I get sick, I always find the experience restful and feel immediately rejuvinated.

The funny thing is that I always procrastinate. I guess that's just me dragging my feet before moving on to the next activity. Once I'm locked in to one activity that I enjoy doing, I find it hard to draw my attention away and move on to the next task on the list. Be it sleeping or bug fixing. Even though the thing on my list could possibly be more urgent or rewarding. Ahh well...